Partners and sponsors

American Materials American Materials
American Elements' catalog of more than 35,000 products makes it the world’s largest manufacturer devoted exclusively to advanced materials in both industrial bulk and laboratory/research quantities.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo Fisher Scientific
Whether they are improving life for patients, protecting our global climate or keeping people safe, our customers look to Thermo Fisher Scientific for innovative solutions. Products and services sold under the following Thermo Fisher brands enable customers to push science and technology a step beyond.
Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole
Montpellier has built its economic successes by focusing on innovation.
Sustainable Energy & Fuels Sustainable Energy & Fuels
The journal for interdisciplinary research for the development of sustainable energy technologies
HIDEN Isochema HIDEN Isochema
Hiden Isochema is a world leader in the design and manufacture of sorption instruments for research, development and production applications in materials science and related fields.
Keyence Keyence
As a leading supplier of sensors, measuring systems, laser markers, microscopes, and machine vision systems worldwide, KEYENCE is at the forefront of factory automation. We strive to develop innovative and reliable products to meet the needs of our customers in every manufacturing industry.
Ecole Doctorale Sciences Chimiques Balard
L’hydrogène décarboné comme enjeu de la transition énergétique Dans le cadre de l’initiative « Défis-clés » de la Région Occitanie, visant à structurer la communauté scientifique régionale sur la thématique « hydrogène décarboné », les établissements d’enseignement supérieur et organismes de recherche ont organisé leurs forces pour créer le pôle de Recherche et d’Innovation sur l’Hydrogène en occitanie (pôle Rhyo), porté par l’Université de Toulouse.
Separations Separations
Separations - formerly Chromatography - is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on separation and purification science and technology in all areas of chemical, biological, physical science, and separation performance published monthly online by MDPI.
Européenne de Traitement des Eaux Européenne de Traitement des Eaux
E.T.E. designs and manufactures water treatment solutions that have no added chemicals thanks to its efficient and progressive Research & Development department.
VERDER Scientific VERDER Scientific
Verder Scientific can assist you in the development, production and recycling of batteries. Under our umbrella we combine the know-how of five renowned developers and manufacturers of scientific equipment:CARBOLITE GERO, ELTRA, QATM, RETSCH and MICROTRAC MRB are among the leading specialists in their respective fields of activity which are Heat Treatment, Elemental Analysis, Materialography & Hardness Testing, Milling & Sieving and Particle Characterization.
RS2E (LabEx/STORE–EX) is a public/private research network aimed at discovering and transfering to the industry new battery and supercapacitor technologies
Maison de la Chimie Maison de la Chimie
La Maison de la Chimie et la Fondation internationale qui la gère depuis bientôt 90 ans doivent beaucoup à Marcelin Berthelot, puisque leurs créations ont été directement associées aux initiatives prises par les plus hautes personnalités politiques et scientifiques de l’époque pour honorer la mémoire de ce grand homme et commémorer le centenaire de sa naissance en 1927.
The Institute Charles Gerhardt Montpellier (ICGM) is a multidisciplinary research laboratory with five departments and nearly 500 staff. The ICGM contributes to the development of research in chemistry with the aim of developing and characterizing complex functional materials with a strong societal impact, particularly in the fields of health, environment and energy.
The Society of Inorganic Materials of Japan The Society of Inorganic Materials of Japan
Introduction of SIMJ / Sitemap
Anton Paar Anton Paar
Anton Paar produces high-end measuring and laboratory instruments for industry and research. It is the world leader in the measurement of density, concentration and CO2 and in the field of rheometry. Other areas of specialty are: Petroleum testing, microwave synthesis, viscometry, polarimetry, refractometry, X-ray scattering, sample preparation and surface characterization.
Industrial Chemistry & Materials Industrial Chemistry & Materials
ICM is an interdisciplinary and application-oriented journal based on chemistry, chemical engineering, and materials, which focuses on the international frontiers and major technological breakthroughs in the industrial chemical processes and the process science of material creation.
Energy Advances Energy Advances
Energy is an exciting, multidisciplinary research area, bringing together chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering, computer science, and techno-economical/ecological evaluation. Energy Advances features cutting-edge science at the forefront of energy technology with particular focus on emerging materials and methods.
Taiheiyo Cement Taiheiyo Cement
Aspiring to be a leader in our industry in the Pacific Rim, the Taiheiyo Cement Group operates globally, focusing on cement, mineral resources, environmental, and international businesses. We are committed to helping protect the environment and advancing a socioeconomic order build on closed loop materials sourcing by putting our cement plants and home-grown recycling capabilities and technologies to work to reduce, recycle, and reuse large volumes of waste material and by-products.
NanoMedSyn NanoMedSyn
NanoMedSyn develops a new delivery platform to create first-in-class drugs by the engineering with patented AMFA vectors of antibodies, enzymes or nanoparticles. These AMFA-modified therapeutics will target patients suffering from lysosomal storage disorders, cancers, inflammatory or immune diseases.
Frontiers in Materials Frontiers in Materials
Investigates the discovery and design of materials for future application
International Society of Electrochemistry International Society of Electrochemistry
ISE was founded in 1949 by leading European and American Electrochemists to serve the growing needs of electrochemistry in becoming a modern scientific discipline. Its membership comes from more than 70 countries and is organized in over 40 regional sections. Both industrialized and developing countries from all five continents are represented. ISE is, therefore, a truly world-wide organization. ISE is a non-profit-making organization with its seat in Lausanne, Switzerland.
SCF - Division Transversale Energie SCF - Division Transversale Energie
The Energy transversal division of the French Chemical Society looks into various chemical aspects of the energy transition. Different types of energy are explored, including non-renewable, renewable, nuclear, biomass energy, as well as energy conversion and storage. The development of novel functional materials, reaction kinetics, as well as process and technological aspects are of interest, including sustainability, life cycle and eco-design analyses and concepts.
The IRN-FACES is a collaborative French-Australian research network on energy materials and integrated systems for electrochemical storage and hydrogen energy. It is formed by eight CNRS French labs and four Australian Universities
Yoshino Gypsum Yoshino Gypsum
In Yoshino Gypsum, we have been actively engaged in "Global Environmental Conservation Issues" since our earliest days, and have successfully established various techniques and facilities which take the global environment into consideration...
Fédération de Recherche Fédération de Recherche "hydrogène" du CNRS
The French Research network on Hydrogen energy. Sponsored special session on 'materials for hydrogen', June 20, 2023
  New Journal of Chemistry New Journal of Chemistry
New Journal of Chemistry is a broad-based primary journal encompassing all branches of chemistry and its sub-disciplines. It contains full research articles, communications, perspectives and focus articles.
Laboratory equipment and chemical products
Société Chimique de France Société Chimique de France
Créée en 1857 pour rassembler et représenter les chimistes de France, la SCF évolue pour que notre organisation soutienne les besoins de la communauté des chimistes et reste en phase avec un monde en changement. La Société Chimique de France est une association reconnue d’utilité publique dont la vocation est de structurer, d’animer et d’incarner le réseau rassemblant toute personne physique ou morale concernée par les sciences chimiques.
Materials - an OA journal from MDPI Materials - an OA journal from MDPI
Materials is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of materials science and engineering published semimonthly online by MDPI. The Portuguese Materials Society (SPM), Spanish Materials Society (SOCIEMAT) and Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES) are affiliated with Materials and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges.
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